The duplicated tree will share all the same triggers/ actions/ responses with the original tree. Please click the "Save as" button when saving a new component to prevent making changes to the original tree. Export and import will create trees with a ...
Please check if you completed the following steps: If you are using your own Slack app, please check if all permissions are selected in Slack. Please check if the Stella app added the Slack ticketing channel and the label in the preaction matches ...
Toggle off the master switch button in the Channel to switch off the flow. You could use this setting to send non-office hour messages to your users. Please see the related documentation here.
The prefix is added to each node/ response/ action/ trigger for users to differentiate the import tree from the original tree. You may view documentation on importing trees by clicking here.
Yes, you could use the same tree you have built on Stella to other Facebook channels. Please go to your channels and select the trees in the drop-down menu.