Can we reuse the phone number previously submitted to WABA for our personal WhatsApp or WhatsApp business account?

Can we reuse the phone number previously submitted to WABA for our personal WhatsApp or WhatsApp business account?

Yes, please find the process of offboarding a phone number:

If the number is registered with the embedded signup:

1. Head to the WhatsApp Business Account in Facebook Business Settings Page 
2. Select the WhatsApp account that is tied to the phone number that you want to delete
3. You should see the People, Settings, and Pages tabs on the right after selecting the WhatsApp account. Click on the Settings tab and then click WhatsApp Manager.
4. From the WhatsApp Manager, you should find the phone number that you wish to delete.
5. After deletion, you can reuse the number for the business and consumer (personal) app but cannot be registered as an enterprise account, which is the WhatsApp Business API again.

Please note the number can only be deleted if there is no paid message was sent in 30 days. A message will be shown if there are paid messages sent within 30 days.

You could click the link to check the activity in Insight

If the number did not register with the embedded signup:

1. Send a ticket to our Support Team to request a release of WhatsApp Number from WhatsApp Business API
2. WhatsApp Team will process the request, and the processing time will be around 1 week
3. After deletion, you can reuse the number for the business and consumer (personal) app but cannot be registered as an enterprise account, which is the WhatsApp Business API again.

Also, please be advised the phone account will lose all account details/data, insight, and message history.