How can we create a ticket with Facebook to ask the reason why they rejected a HSM (Highly Structured Messages/ Templated Message)?

How can we create a ticket with Facebook to ask the reason why they rejected a HSM (Highly Structured Messages/ Templated Message)?

If your HSM/ templated message is rejected, WhatsApp will automatically display a generic rejection reason. It is usually "Message Content Format Is Incorrect" or "Invalid Format". Please find the process of submitting an appeal for the message template.

If the number is registered with the embedded signup:

1. Head to the Account Quality in Facebook Business
2. Select Meta Business Account and scroll down to WhatsApp accounts section

3. Select the WhatsApp account and go to Rejected message templates section to view the rejected template 

4. You should click See Details for the detailed reason of the rejection

5. You could submit the template again according to WhatApp suggestion

6. or select a template and request review for appeal

If the number did not register with the embedded signup:

1. Send a ticket to our Support Team to request an appeal. Please provide the following information to us for the appeal: 
  1. Title of the appeal
  2. Description of the appeal
  3. Client legal business name /Appeal Reason [Choose one] (Template follows policy/Policy is unclear/Template approved in another language/Other)
  4. Name of your HSM (the template name you submitted to WhatsApp)
2. WhatsApp Team will process the request, and the processing time will be around 1 week

Please see the related documentation on how to submit a Templated Message here and submit your template message here.