What is a monthly active user (MAU)?

What is a monthly active user (MAU)?

When a user sends a message to one of your channels (Facebook Messengers, Web Chat, and WhatsApp), it will be counted as an active user. In the event that businesses send out a push notification via Push Panel or Stella API (Send Response /Redirect Member to Nodeand the user doesn’t respond to the message, it will not be counted as an active user. In other words, an active user is a user that interacts with your channels. 

MAU will not accumulate to the next month as it will reset on the first day of the month (UTC +0, 00:00).

Please note that if the user commented under a Facebook comment reply post, it will count 1 or more MAU as well.
  1. For the older core version (v2.1 or before), it will count as 2 separate members, 1 for Facebook comment and 1 for chatbot conversation
  1. For the new core version (after next or v2.2), it will count as 1 member only as the member data will be merged