Please note each Facebook page will have its unique PSID for each Facebook user, there will be multiple external ID for the same Facebook user if you have connected to more than 1 Facebook channel (i.e. the same Facebook user will have 3 PSID if you ...
If the user does not have an "external id" or "last name", it means that the user has only left comments on a Facebook post and they did not interact with the chatbot. Once the user has interacted with the chatbot, the user’s last name and external ...
The WhatsApp analytics in the Dashboard only apply to templated messages. Please click here for more details. You could check the user country by checking their external ID on the member page. (eg. 85291239132, 852 is the country code of Hong Kong) ...
Currently, Stella does not support image preview for any media uploaded from the attachment ID uploader. You can visit here for more details about media library.