Why is the messaging limit tier of my number downgraded?

Why is the messaging limit tier of my number downgraded?

If your messaging limit tier of the number is downgraded (i.e. from 10K/24hr to 1K/24hr), it is because your number has been flagged before and didn't improve the message quality in 7 days.
A flagged status occurs when the quality rating reaches a low state. Businesses cannot upgrade messaging limit tiers while in the Flagged state. If the message quality improves to a high or medium state and maintains this for 7 days, your status will return to Connected. If the quality rating doesn't improve, your status will still return to Connected, but you'll be placed in a lower messaging limit tier. To improve your Quality Rating: - Check if you or anyone from your business has added a template within the last 7 days. This may help determine any problematic templates. - Check that your notifications comply with our policies. - Evaluate if you have user opt-in for any recent template topics. For example, if you only have users opt-in for purchase receipts but use the API for account updates, customers may respond negatively because they didn’t opt-in to that specific communication. - Review notifications against our Best Practice Guide. Please see the Quality-Based Rate Limits documentation for more information.