What is Members?

What is Members?

Members is the section where you can find the profile of all the subscribers to your chatbots. Anybody who has talked to your chatbot will be displayed here in list view. You can look at their tags and detailed conversation histories here. 


Please click here for more details on Members.


On your left, there is a section for you to filter out specific groups of members by Creation Date, Last Active Date, Channel, External ID, Name, Gender, Locale, or Tags.


The most common one is filtering by channels: select your filter option and you will see the member details automatically refreshed on your right.


Apart from the basic filter, you can also scroll to the bottom and use the custom filter.


By using MongoDB Compass, you can enter your customized criteria, then search and sort any type of object in the member profile. You can also apply the basic filter and the custom filter simultaneously. For example, the custom filter allows you to filter by the information stored in Meta or tempData.


Please click here for more details on Advanced Standard Procedures.